#TGMotivate 2020 Lioness on Greatness

Lioness speaks on the importance of constantly doing your best and challenging yourself.

Naufiku Hamunime - How I became an economist

Naufiku Hamunime speaks about how she came to work in banking and finance.

Fun exercises for goal setting

1. The ‘Average Perfect Day’ Exercise

Focus on what your perfect day looks like without any added extras or surprises and write it down.

Create a detailed list of what an average day looks like, step by step. This could include:

  • The perfect time for waking up and what that looks like – do you read for 20 minutes before getting up? Listen to music? – Checking social media is not the best option.
  • What do you do once you’re out of bed? Do you make coffee and breakfast first, or shower first? Do you pick out your outfit for the day or did you do that the night before? Is there music, the radio, morning TV in the background?
  • What happens next? Whom do you engage with? What is the vibe like at school?

And so on, be specific. Create a day you will never get bored of, that you could happily repeat five or seven days a week. Create an ‘Average Perfect Day’ for your school day and for your weekend days. What you’ll begin to see clearly are little habits you can start actioning straight away to get you closer to your idea of a perfectly average day.

2. The ‘One Year from Now’ Exercise

Focus on what you want life to look like one year from now and write it down. Be as specific as you can be and do not hold your mind back. Even if it seems impossible right now, write it down. It can be really rewarding to share your ideas with someone you trust, who will also challenge you to consider things outside of your comfort zone. Some of the key areas to think about when completing this exercise are:

  • Your School/work – What will your marks look like or will you be working? Where will you be working or schooling? How will you be working towards what you want this to look like?

  • Your Relationships – Are you happy in love? How much value do your close friendships bring? What is your relationship with your family? Do you need to work more on connecting with people?

  • Yourself – How do you want to feel about yourself one year from now? Mentally, physically, socially, personally? What does that look and feel like?

Once you’ve created what one year from now looks like for you, start thinking about the steps required to achieve those things. Be reasonable and don’t try and commit to achieving everything at once. Pick one or two achievable and measurable goals for each area and build a goalsetting plan for each. Include a rough timeline of when you’d like to achieve that by so you can keep yourself accountable. Make sure your write it down somewhere you can easily refer to it.

3. The Visualization Exercise

The visualization you create a physical representation of your dreams in a creative way. You can do this with a drawing, painting, collage, or digital art. It serves as a manifestation of your goals and intensifies the work you put into visualizing them in your mind. Even just a symbol is enough.

A few tips on getting started:

  • First, clarify the goal you want to work towards. Visualize what this looks and feels like. Is it a personal achievement or more tangible, like running a marathon or winning an award?

  • Now, write a short description of the pictures you imagine represent your dreams as you go, you will begin to build a clear picture for yourself.

  • Think about the outcome of achieving your goal: What will you have? What will you be? How do you celebrate? What do your friends and family say?

  • Once you have written this all down, it’s time to get creative! Grab your art supplies, a stack of magazines or whatever else you want to use to create your art work.

  • Now start thinking about all the steps required from where you are at now, to achieving that ultimate goal and incorporate them into your art. Begin the above process again for each step you can identify and work backward from your ultimate goal, creating a visual manifestation of smaller goals needed to achieve the dream as you go.

  • Align your images – drawings or collage – in a way that you can see how they connect. Create a map or chart of your goals. This will help imprint in your mind how you are going to achieve them